JCR Committee: 2014–2015

The JCR committee is the elected body that looks after the undergraduate student body.

Fawz Kazzazi President: Fawz Kazzazi
Kate Poskitt Vice-President: Kate Poskitt
Treasurer: Chris Sarnowski
Like the Wolf of Wall Street - but more of a tame puppy.
Natalie Picken Secretary: Natalie Picken
"Always be nice to secretaries. They are the real gatekeepers of the world" (chocolate welcomed)
Zara Overton Female Welfare Officer: Zara Overton
Welfare is so much more than just tea and condoms (though these are undeniably important)...
Joe O'Sullivan Male Welfare Officer: Joe O'Sullivan
Maddie Heyes Academic and Access Officer: Maddie Heyes
I'm here to improve and promote access to Corpus, Cambridge and Higher Education in general, while supporting the academic needs of everyone in College!
Sujit Gnanakumar Ethnic Minorities Officer: Sujit Gnanakumar
Adrien Yeung International Students Officer: Adrien Yeung
Jonathon Cushenan LBGT+ Officer: Jonathon Cushenan
Rupert Thompson Amenities Officer: Rupert Thompson
I have won the county parallel parking challenge three years running
Jack Patten Catering Officer: Jack Patten
Sky Kang Entertainments Officer: Sky Kang
What comes before Part 1B...?
Jules Pars Green and Charities Officer: Jules Pars
Ryan Potter Sports and Societies Officer: Ryan Potter
Computing Officer: Oscar Key

View the commitee from a previous year

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