JCR Committee: 2015–2016
The JCR committee is the elected body that looks after the undergraduate student body.
Kenza Bryan I try to constantly improve the fairness & quality of everyday life at Corpus. Here to represent all of you! |
Bret Cameron I'll be running Freshers' Week 2015 and the Room Ballot 2016. If you have any questions about these, or any other aspect of the JCR Committee, get in touch! |
Jamie Parker |
Seb Dickson If it's not in the minutes it didnt happen. Blessed be the minutemakers, for they are the children of God |
Female Welfare Officer:
Emma Russell |
Female Welfare Officer:
Amiya Nagpal |
Male Welfare Officer:
Jonathon Cushenan |
Male Welfare Officer:
James Palmer One of the four Welfare Team members, here to provide help and support for any worries small and large, as well as tea, cake and sexual health supplies. |
LBGT+ Officer:
Izzy Ryan Representative of the LGBT+ community in Corpus ensuring fair treatment and equality for people of all sexualities and gender identities |
Gender Equalities Officer:
Lizzi Hawkins Prioritising protecting undergraduates from gender-based prejudice, and engaging the college in conversations about feminism and inequality. |
Ethnic Minorities Officer:
Micha Frazer-Carroll Responsible for the welfare of ethnic minority students at Corpus, as well as raising awareness of issues of equality and diversity throughout college. |
International Students Officer:
A-ninja Anindya Sharma |
Academic and Access Officer:
Christopher Matthews Responsible for ensuring Corpus is a welcoming place for prospective students of all backgrounds, and for representing your academic concerns to college |
Amenities, Green and Charities Officer:
Tom Bevan I want to ensure that the college increases its commitments to the environment and encourages charitable activity. Dem campbeds too... |
Catering Officer:
Flis O'Toole The girl to come to if you're fussy about your food or, god forbid, have something nice to say about it |
Sports and Societies Officer:
Subi Subramonian |
Entertainments Officer:
Isabella Hadjisavvas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymPu2PdLW3I |
First Year Rep:
Annabel Mahgerefteh |
Computing Officer:
Angus Hammond |
View the commitee from a previous year
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