Contraception and getting tested

The table below summarises the different types of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), but of course the list is not exhaustive! For more information about each of these STIs, available medicines and screening methods, see the relevant STI pages on the JCR website.

Type Examples Treatment
Bacterial Gonorrhoea
Non–Specific Urethritis
Curable with antibiotics
Viral HIV (can lead to AIDS)
Hepatitis A, B, C
Human Papilloma Virus
Herpes Simplex viruses
Treatable with anti–viral medication
Parasitic Scabies mites
Pubic lice
Curable with lotions etc.
Fungal Candidiasis (Thrush) Curable with lotions etc.

ONE GOLDEN RULE TO AVOID STIs: ALWAYS use a condom until both you and your sexual partner have done a sexual health screen.

Buying contraception

The JCR Welfare Officers buy contraception from CUSU at a much–reduced price compared to those in the shops, and usually have stock at-hand. If you need any of the products stocked by the welfare officers, simply fill in the online form or talk to one of the Welfare Officers in person. For ease of use, not all products advertised by CUSU are shown on the welfare forms, but they can still be procured if a note is placed in either welfare pigeonhole, or an email if you are not concerned with anonymity, detailing number required and object. More information on the contraception the JCR Welfare Officers offer can be found here.

Getting tested

Whether or not you’re sexually active, it’s a good idea to be tested on a regular basis, often referred to as having a “sexual health MOT”. For most people it’s recommended that you get checked about once a year, and the easiest way is to go to a GUM (Genito–Urinary Medicine) or Contraceptive or Sexual Health Clinic. It’s also the best place to go if you have symptoms and want to get something checked out.

There are several benefits of visiting a Clinic, and these include:
  • It’s free,
  • It’s completely confidential — you’re reduced to a number,
  • If you have an HIV test, nobody will know (occasionally insurers will check with GPs to see if their patient has been tested by them, but the clinic is completely separate to your GP),
  • Any treatment will be free,
  • You will be offered free condoms and contraception.

The easiest way to get an appointment is to use the Cambridgeshire Lime Tree Clinic. It gives you access to emergency contraception, pregnancy information, condoms and contraception information, chlamydia screening, and sexual health check–ups.

The nearest clinic is The Laurels on 20 Newmarket Road, Cambridge CB5 8DT;(Telephone: 08456 505152). For more information, see