Society details: THE GYM

Contact: Geethana Yogarajah
Visit their website

The gym is open!

Click ‘visit the website’ to book your spot.

Gym rules:

1. All users must have completed an induction arranged by the MCR or the JCR.

2. The gym is not routinely supervised and its users do so at their own risk.

3. Maximum 2 people (if from different households) observing 2m social distancing. If users are from the same household, the number of users is not limited.

4. All sessions must be pre-booked via the MCR/JCR booking facility, with each 50-minute booking slot strictly adhered to by users.

5. Sessions may not be booked more than three days in advance.

6. Users must use their College card to register their attendance at the gym.

7. Users must wear appropriate clothing and footwear. Face coverings need not be worn.

8. The gym must be ventilated at all times when in use by opening the inner and outer doors, and windows. The gym inner door must be closed fully when users leave.

9. Hands must be sanitized using the sanitizer provided after entering and before exiting the gym. Users should try to minimise direct contact between areas of skin and equipment surfaces.

10. Users are responsible for cleaning their equipment station before and after usage via the antibacterial cleaning spray provided. Surfaces should not be wiped after spraying but be left to dry.

11. There is to be no shouting, in order to minimise aerosol transmission.

12. There is to be no playing of background music. Users should take care not to shout when using their personal audio equipment.

13. No food or drinks are to be consumed within the gym except bottled water.

14. The gym must be left tidy at the end of each session. Free weights must be neatly stacked against the rear wall, and all personal items must be removed from the gym when users leave.

15. Any physical signage or electronic notification stating the gym is closed must be strictly adhered to.

16. No exercises are to be performed that require continuous ‘spotting’ or close support of another person. However, experienced gym users may use the free weight ‘cage’ at the rear of the gym in order to perform squats or bench presses provided they engage the safety bars (see photos and instructions that are displayed near the ‘cage’) for capturing dead weight. The front and rear faces of the cage must always be clear of obstruction should another gym user be needed to intervene in the event of a lifting emergency.

17. Any user disregarding the rules above will be barred from using the gym and may be subject to College disciplinary procedures.

Updated April 2021