Freshers' Week
When you arrive on Sunday there will be a desk with JCR Committee members who will call your College Parents to take you to your room and help you move in.
You will need to:
- Sign your room lease and get your keys from the Porters. One will be your room key, while the other is the A20. The A20 lets you in through the main gate after 11pm and most other locked areas of College including the JCR and the post room. If you misplace these, you can get a 24hr spare set from the Porters, but if they are lost replacement will cost £10 per key.
- Collect your University Card. This is used to buy food and drinks in the Bar and Hall (catering information) and gives you access to the Taylor library.
- Buy a gown from the Porters' Lodge (£40-50)
Once you've moved into your room, met your neighbours, had a bite to eat and perhaps a bit of a look around, it will be time for matriculation.
- Dress code: plain black suit/white blouse + black skirt/plain black dress and plain black leather shoes. If you want to wear a kilt to Matriculation, you will need permission from the Senior Tutor, so email the Tutorial Office to ask.
The Matriculation photo will be taken in Old Court and the actual ceremony is in Hall. Afterwards, there will be afternoon tea served in the Masters' Lodge garden with your (real) parents and there is a service in the Chapel which all are welcome to attend. There is a formal dinner that evening in Hall with your Director of Studies, after which the JCR Committee will be around to help you enjoy your first night in Cambridge.
During the remainder of the week there are lots of events are organised at both the College and University level, so there are many opportunities to meet new people. Although lectures do start on the Thursday, try to make the most of this week and not worry too much about work. It's totally normal to forget everyone's names about a hundred times, but you will soon find yourself recognising faces. The first day is the scariest in terms of not knowing anyone, but don't worry! Everyone is in the same boat, no matter how confident they seem.
Come Friday you will feel perfectly at home - even if you still get confused about the various entrances and exits into Old Court - but if you need even the slightest help during this week the JCR committee are always around and any student will be willing to help you, Corpus is a very friendly place!
Freshers' Week is not the end -- there will be more events throughout term. Just keep checking the JCR website and Corporeal (the weekly email newsletter) and you won't miss out on anything.