JCR Committee: First Year Officer
About the post
The role of the JCR First Year Officer is to represent the views and welfare of the first years to the JCR Committee, the JCR Subcommittees and to the College authorities.
Official committments
- Represent the views of the first years to the JCR Committee, College authorties and any relevant external bodies
- Survey the first years regarding Freshers’ Week and International Freshers’ Week and analyse the results to make recommendations to the JCR Committee on how to improve them for next year
- Coordinate first year representation on the JCR Rent Subcommittee, JCR Access Subcommittee, JCR Kitchen & Buttery Subcommittee and JCR Ents Team
- Attend Tutorial & Welfare meetings
General responsibilities
- Attend JCR Committee Meetings
- Attend JCR Open Meetings
- Assist with general JCR duties (Freshers’ Week, events, elections etc)
- Attend JAC / JCR Subcommittees where invited
- Contribute to the JCR End of Year Report and other reports where necessary
The current First Year Officer, 2012–13
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