JCR Committee: Zara Overton
2012–13: First Year Officer
2014–15: Female Welfare Officer
Corpus’s welfare issues are my issues, I work with Joe to look after the welfare of ALL of Corpus (despite our perhaps misleading titles, we’re both here for the sake of all individuals, irrespective of gender). My role also incorporates the duties of Women’s Officer.
What I do :
> Host teas and drop-in sessions in my room (S6* for Easter Term, H9 from Michaelmas onwards).
> Host weekly events in the JCR with Joe, my Male Welfare counterpart, for a de-stressing pick-me-up.
> Provide condoms to Corpus for free (you can use an order form or contact me by e-mail)
> Provide pregnancy tests free (obtainable from the Female Welfare pigeon hole anonymously)
> Strive to be a friendly and approachable point of contact for people to confide in about any issues they may be experiencing.
> Provide information about support services available for specific welfare needs
> Try to keep stress at bay by running fun, light-hearted events as an escape from work.
> Provide relaxation and stress-busting activities during high-pressure times such as exam term and Week Five.
> Attend the fortnightly CUSU Women’s Forum (I’ll e-mail around, you can come too!).
> Ensure Corpus is a women-friendly place to work and live.
> Represent the views of Corpuscles on all matters at the JCR committee meetings.
Please contact me at anytime if you want to talk confidentially. I believe in the power of talking, sharing is caring, so don’t suffer in silence. No, I’m not an expert or a counsellor or a psychotherapist but I AM a non-judgemental, empathetic ear who would be so very happy to help by being someone to offload your worries or troubles to (whether they’re tiny or massive). Nothing’s too “weird” or “embarrassing”, I’ve seen a lot in my time and I doubt you’ll shock me even if you try.
Find me in person (I’m often in college: try the bar, hall or library), or see the sheets in every bathroom for my contact details (don’t forget about the Anonymous Contact Form either!).
If you have any suggestions of things the welfare team can do to make college a better place to be, please let us know!