JCR Committee: Sian Docksey
2009–10: LGBT Welfare Representative
Recipe for a half-decent LGBT rep: Ingredients: • 500g biscuits in the overflowing welfare biscuit tin. • 40g of tea, served in a teabag with boiling water and aforementioned biscuits. • approx. 65kg of Sian, available on request. • 1kg of cheese, obtained from DJ's at Revolution on a Tuesday night. Method: 1. preheat computer or mobile phone 2. set to svd26 (email) or 07588465675 (phone) 3. allow several minutes for response 4. i will make it my first priority to get back to you as soon as possible 5. stir (or, alternatively, 'remind' and 'nag'. no im kidding, i'll be there in a shot :) ) 6. if you wish, add toppings or flavouring of your own (i.e. let me know any comments - including, but not limited to, 'sian, YOU my dear are THE MUTT'S NADS and we luv ya' or 'sian you suck at this, here's a thought for a REALLY GOOD LGBT EVENT' - suggestions, requests, sprinkles......) oh, ALSO - if you'd like to be on the LGBT mailing list then let me know (email svd26). big love x