JCR Committee: Ryan Potter

2014–15: Sports and Societies Officer

Hi I’m Ryan , your sports and societies officer for the coming year (woo). I don’t profess to have any major sporting talent, but I enjoy a match of anything! I’ve always been passionate about sport, and there is a lot on offer at Corpus which I’ve really taken advantage of. My role is mainly to send a lot of e-mails in order to co-ordinate all the sport that’s going on. I will also publish fixtures, results, and events. My other main job is to organise the Corpus Challenge – our annual sporting tournament against our Oxford (certainly inferior) counterparts. This year we’re taking the fight to them in Oxford, and hopefully we’ll start a bit of a winning streak. If you have any questions about how you can get involved, or about trials/auditions etc. within Corpus or University-wide, feel free to email and I can direct you to the right person. Peace out homies. Stay strong and say no to drugs, even the performance enhancing ones.