JCR Committee: Rob Hayes
2010–11: Male Welfare Officer
Afternoon all. I’m Rob, The male welfare officer for the current JCR. As anyone at Cambridge or any other university will tell you life at uni is awesome but it does not come without its fair share of personal trials and tribulations. That’s where Camille (female welfare officer) and I come in in our position as welfare officers. We’re here to listen to anything you want to come and talk to us about whilst providing tea, biscuits and cheap, but quality, contraception(if you want it) as well as giving you information on the services available to help you deal with any problem. So, if you need anything, come to Newnham 19 for a confidential chat.
Camille has provided a very comprehensive guide to all that being a welfare officer entails and what our aims are for this year so I encourage you to check out her profile but a brief outline here wont hurt:
As welfare officer my job is to:
- Listen and provide information
- Promote sexual awareness
- Provide cheap contraception (condoms, femidoms, dental dams -mint, chocolate and strawberry flavours)
- Provide pregnancy and chlamydia tests
- Give out many leaflets on drugs, alcohol, STIs, pregnancy, stress, self-harm and eating disorders
- Help organise freshers week
- Promote gender equality.
If you have any questions please feel free to get in contact.