JCR Committee: Natalie Picken
2013–14: LBGT+ Officer
Hello! I’m Natalie, a second year historian, and this year’s LGBT+ Rep. That involves coordinating with university-wide LGBT+ events, organising Corpus’ own events and being a friendly person about the place, if you want to talk about any LGBTQ issues; or anything really, I like procrastinating. As seems to be a common feature for this committee, I’m massively overexcited by food, especially of the chocolate variety (that slightly manic expression in the photo is because there’s a chocolate Crème-egg-brownie in front of me), have a worrying, but somewhat appropriate, love of rainbows, and spend much of my time moving between the bar, library and hall, so keep an eye out!
2014–15: Secretary
Hello! I’m Natalie, I’m a third year historian and your JCR secretary for this year. As secretary, I have two main jobs.
I take the minutes in the JCR Committee and Open meetings and publish them online for you all to read and see what’s going on (sometimes they’re funny, give it a go – http://www.corpus.cam.ac.uk/jcr/archives/minutes ).
I also send out the weekly newsletter, the Corporeal. This includes details of events taking place in the college and university that week, all wrapped up in a slightly contrived acrostic. If you would like to include any event, or give me acrostic ideas/constructive criticism/funny animal pictures, please email me (np398) by Saturday evening at 8pm. Alternatively, just stop me around college (usually found near food) for a quick chat.