JCR Committee: Lionel Matsuya
2003–4: Green and Charities Officer
Living as a community in Corpus as we are, we have a duty to look after our surroundings, be it the environment, the buildings we live in and the people around us, including those less fortunate. We all know that the world's resources won't last us forever, and so we have to look for ways to live sustainably on the earth. I look, with the college and with the JCR, at the ways that Corpus can improve its "environmental friendliness" - not just by recycling, but also by, for example, using "green electricity" (i.e. from renewable sources) and by trying to secure a "green policy" at Corpus. I more than welcome any suggestions, tips, questions and comments anyone might have. At the same time, we realise how lucky we are to be University Students in one of the richest countries in the world. Corpus is a registered charity, and as such we look to raise and donate money to worthy causes separately to, but not competing with, corpusRAG. The concerns of the Charities portfolio are mainly the Charities Subscription Scheme, the Charity Box and money-raising events such as the sports day. Again, all comments, feedback are more than welcome as to anything charity-related.