JCR Committee: Lee Cruickshank

2011–12: LBGT+ Officer

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” (Dr Seuss – smart man)

Cheesy, right? Well, to be fair, you won’t have to worry about being who you are at Corpus – we’re renowned for being one of the most welcoming colleges in Cambridge. Fact.

However, if you do encounter any problems with sexuality, I’m here to help. Being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender is more widely accepted in society than, say, thirty years ago (when Corpus didn’t even accept girls…) Thankfully, times have changed. But don’t feel like you “have” to define yourself for the sake of others – there is an increasing number of people who prefer not to restrict themselves by conforming to the labels society is too quick to apply to those “different” from the majority, and I’m here to represent you guys, too.

So, that’s pretty much it! If you ever have any questions or need any advice, just send me an e-mail (lc504@cam.ac.uk).
Also, sign up to the Corpus LBGT mailing list to keep updated with any events happening within college or Cambridge-wide! You’ll find a link under the heading “Mailing List” on the LBGT Page on the JCR website (http://www.corpus.cam.ac.uk/jcr/committee/post/lbgt)

Guess that’s everything for now… See y’all soon!