JCR Committee: Josh Wood

2010–11: LBGT+ Officer

Hi. I’m Josh, a second year Geographer, and I am your trusty LGBT rep for the next year.

As LGBT rep, I have a few roles within college (see the long spiel above for a full run down). But, here’s a more personal summary for you to enjoy…

One of my roles within college is as a welfare officer. If you have any issues over the next year, no matter how big or small, feel free to contact me to have a chat (see below for contact details). Whether related to your sexuality or not, I am a good listener, and more than happy to talk through any issues with you. It goes without saying that everything we talk about would be confidential.

Another of my roles is to represent the views of Corpus’ Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender community to the JCR, College and the rest of the University. If you have any issues/ stuff you would like me to raise with the JCR, college or the CUSU LGBT committee, please feel free to contact me.

Finally, I also intend to organise/ let you know about LGBT events in Cambridge. Every Tuesday there is the weekly pilgrimage to the Revs LGBT night (Rendezvous) – if you want to come along, text/ email me. I will post the details of events, and Revs visits, on the Corpus LBGT mailing list, so make sure to sign up (link above)

If you want to get hold of me, here are an array of contact details for you to choose from.

Mobile: 07983686119
Email: jw586@cam.ac.uk
Room: T2 (T staircase in Library Court)
