JCR Committee: James Freeman

2004–5: Hall Representative

2005–6: President

Now he is JCR President, James is tormented by the fact that he cannot post as gleefully irreverent self-descriptions of himself on the JCR website as once he could, in those carefree, halcyon, footloose and fancy-free days of Hall Rep-ing. People who have searched out this page in hope of tales of umbrellas, illegitimacy, slag heaps, the dole, steel-heeled brogues and minute attention to dress will, he fears, leave disappointed and, quite frankly, disgusted at his lack of flippancy. They'll just have to meet him in the flesh instead.

No, but seriously, beside the formal blurb about what I am required to do as JCR President (see above), I really do hope that through my efforts I might be able to make Corpus as special a place for everyone else as it is for me - and that is meant most sincerely. If there's anything you'd like to raise, do feel free just to collar me around college or send me an e-mail. I might be stressed about things, but I'll always listen, try to help, and maybe explain why things are the way they are.

Some quotes:

"...the angriest JCR President ever..." - Ben Downing

"...spruce..." - anon