JCR Committee: Ishaan Aggarwal

2008–9: First Year Officer

2009–10: International Students Representative

Hello, I am Ishaan Aggarwal, second year compsci (the only one of my kind in my year). Basically, I will be around to help all the international students regarding any problems (ranging from welfare to storage facilities to literally anything) they might be facing while in Corpus. Other people are also most welcome. All you need to do is drop me an email or find me around college. And ya, it is not necessary that you have to talk to me only if there is something bothering you, you are welcome to talk to me even if you are just bored and have nothing better to do.

2010–11: Ethnic Minorities Officer

Hello! I am Ishaan Aggarwal and a second year compsci (the only one in my year!). My job is to deal with any problems which the students with ethnic minority backgrounds might face in college and university. I am also on the Access sub-committee and my job is to demystify any myths about the college and encourage students from different backgrounds to apply to Corpus. On social side, I plan to organise cultural events such as Chinese New Year etc in collaboration with the International students Officer and also organise formal swaps with other colleges. If you ever want to chat with me, please feel free to drop me an email or come by my room. I make amazing tea!