JCR Committee: Harry Taylor
2018–19: Secretary
I’m a first year historian and will endeavour to use my copious free time to bring you admin (and acrostics) of the highest order. My duties focus on the Corporeal (weekly newsletter) and minuting JCR meetings, even though no one reads these. If you want to advertise something in the Corporeal send me the details before midnight on Saturday and I’ll broadcast them for you on the Sunday. In summary I am:
Social media manager
Editor of the minutes
Curator of the Corporeal
Reporter of debates and hustings
Executive of the notice boards
Technically organiser of meetings
Agenda setter
Representative for committee stash
Your faithful bureaucratic servant
2019–20: President
Hi, I’m a second year historian who has decided to spend an inordinate amount of time in even more committee meetings than I already have the pleasure of enjoying. As a lifelong lover of all things administrative I hope to bring an efficient approach to the JCR, including giving you regular updates on what exactly I do in this role.
I also want to improve the material conditions of the Corpuscle. This will focus on redrawing the outdated room ballot system and making sure that the JCR is finally refurbished after years of neglect.
A large part of my job is representing your interests and so feel free to come to me with any issues or ideas. I can usually be found in the Taylor, bar or hall and love chatting shop so do come and raise things. My affection for and weird knowledge about this college knows no bounds so at the very least I can provide entertainment – if mythical pelican facts are your idea of fun.