JCR Committee: Dominic Bielby
2019–20: Academic and Access Officer
I’m Dom, a second year Law student and I’m in charge of representing undergraduate academic concerns, as well as access interests. This means not only am I a person to talk to regarding academic issues or problems (along with your DoS), but I also liaise with College to assist with events like Masterclasses, Admissions Week, Open Days and Interviews. I also run the Access Sub-committee, a group of students which forms the core of volunteers who chip in to show the Corpus community at its best for access events! I’m also tasked with ensuring access materials are up-to-date, including the Alternative Prospectus and working with College to ensure that access helpers get some sweeteners for helping out.
In my non-JCR capacity as a boring law student I enjoy mooting (mock appeal trials, thrilling I know…) and I dabble with debating at the Cambridge Union when I can. I also enjoy reading, taking walks along the Backs and hanging around in Waterstones whenever I get the chance.
For any questions about Corpus admissions, access or academic life, feel free to contact me!
2020–21: President
Hi, my name is Dom and I’m a second year Law student, as well as being Corpus JCR President. In short, my role is to co-ordinate the JCR Committee; act as the main link between the JCR, MCR and College proper; and to generally represent our wonderful community to the outside world. If there is anything Corpuscles need sorting out, they can get in touch with me and I’ll help them out or help them find someone who can!
Outside of JCR President-ing, I enjoy the ever-thrilling life of a Law student, namely reading, reading, more reading and mooting. I can usually be found hanging around in the Law Fac, labouring in the Taylor or milling around the city centre to avoid doing work.