JCR Committee: Alex Mann

2019–20: Welfare Officer

I’m a second year BioNatSci and I’m here to relieve the stresses of Corpuscles as much as possible. I will try to help with any problems you may have, no matter how small they may seem, and I think I could stretch to a cup of tea or even some cake. If I can’t help, I will direct you to someone who can. We will be organising lots of events (Bake Off screenings?), and hopefully make Corpus as happy as possible.


2020–21: President

I’m a third year BioNatsci and I was previously VP and a Welfare Officer. My role is to be the main interface between college and the undergraduate body. My love of meetings has led me to take on this role and hope to represent the views and interests of Corpuscles to College. Look out for a constitutional review and the referendum on our new relationship with CSU. If you have any issues you’d like to raise please come and chat to me. I’m normally found in hall, the library or at Leckhampton being shouted at by most of the football team for not giving them a penalty.