JCR Committee: Andrew Holland

2011–12: Male Welfare Officer

I’m Andy, a 3rd year lawyer and the Male Welfare and Disabled Officer for 2011/12. The blurb above pretty much outlines most of my responsibilities but to summarise my main role is essentially to be your very own agony uncle. So if anything is troubling you, whether it is just work stress or something more serious, and you want a confidential chat then please feel free to get in touch. I can be found in G11 in New Court, contacted by e-mail or contacted anonymously by clicking on the “contact us” link in the Welfare tab at the top of the page.

I should also mention that the “male” bit in my title does not mean I am only here for the men of college, but only refers to the fact that I am in fact a man. Likewise the “female” part of Beth’s title is only because she is a woman and so feel free to get in touch with either one of us whatever sex you are.

As for my role as the disabled officer, if you have any problems getting around college, using our facilities or any other problems due to a disability then please let me know and we can work with college to try and remedy the problem.

See you all around.